Monday, June 9, 2008

Daily Confessional

So, the idea of posting my weight loss on this blog was supposed to be motivational. It was supposed to keep me accountable. It hasn't.

Notice that I haven't updated the ole weight loss tracking in a while. Well, I haven't stepped on a scale in awhile either... I've been too busy not walking, not running, and eating things I shouldn't be eating. Lovely.

Tonight I decided to humor myself and try on my junior year prom dress. It has been hanging on my closet door in our bedroom for quite some time along with my last bridesmaid dress (thanks Christy). Obviously I knew it wouldn't fit...I mean really. That was almost 8 years ago. Puh-lease. This was me, junior year. I look good, I think. I don't know about the goony next to me though. haha. :) I love that guy.
The surprising thing, however, was that it wasn't THAT bad. It didn't fit, duh, but it wasn't one of those "wow-this-is-never-going-to-fit-again" attempts. Nope. It was more of a "hhmm-maybeifIbreatheinreallyreallydeeplyandcrossmyfingersthiswillwork" attempt. Almost. We're talking a couple of good inches, no doubt.

It might have been an eye opening experience though. I could potentially fit back into that dress sometime. It's one of those obtainable goals I'll bet. Now, if only this blog would do a better job of accountability, maybe I would actually fit into it someday. Thanks blog. ;)
So, cross your fingers along with me and maybe someday I'll be able to post a picture of me in the dress (I'm not saying it would be pretty, I'm just saying it might be a picture).


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