Wednesday, January 28, 2009


That's what I'll win if {when!} I lose more weight then Ryan by the time our vacation to Mexico rolls around.

16 weeks of contest.

I've lost 7lbs so far. Cool, huh? Bummer is that he lost the same much for my strategy!!!

So. This might just do the trick. I might be able to stay motivated now that a little competition is being thrown into the mix.

Ryan's only rule? No sabotage....mwah-hah-ha ha.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I have a new header now that you've explained how to do it.
Now, can you just explain WHY it hangs over the edge, oh master of headers?!


I love reading other people's blogs.

I feel bad for those of you who might look to find something interesting on THIS one however.

This weekend I turned down my sister and niece and decided to hang around at home instead. These weekends are so refreshing to me. It's funny how one can sit in her pajamas all day and do NOTHING and still feel refreshed, but it does! :) Ryan (and I) are the (proud?) owners of a PS3. Woop-di-do. I tried to play today and I lack either the physical (fine motor skills) or the mental abilities to play video games. I'm really, really horrible. If I figure out how to turn it on while Ryan is at work, I'm going to sneak in some practice. So far I haven't had any luck with that either.

So, here I sit with my very favorite Lean Cuisine, diet Cherry Coke, dog, and "Sex and the City" DVD. Tomorrow? A chick-flick with one of my gal pals.

Really? I do love my life.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

This is good.

(copied from ali edwards blog)

Neil Gaiman : I hope you will have a wonderful year, that you'll dream dangerously and outrageously, that you'll make something that didn't exist before you made it, that you will be loved and that you will be liked, and that you will have people to love and to like in return. And, most importantly (because I think there should be more kindness and more wisdom in the world right now), that you will, when you need to be, be wise, and that you will always be kind.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Christmas Letter 2008

Dear Friends and Family, December 20, 2008

We find ourselves busily getting ready for Christmas. I am a horrible procrastinator, so not only do I need to finish Christmas shopping, but I also need to start. If this letter finds itself in the mail before Christmas, then miracles really do happen!

Ryan got promoted to a new position as a Lead Shift Supervisor at Wiseway. That was great news, but it also led him to new hours…second shift! That was a pretty huge change for us, but it is going pretty smoothly (knowing that it hopefully won’t last forever). Ryan got a couple of new toys this year as well: a Chevy truck and a crotch rocket. He’s spent some of his spare time tinkering around with them in the garage and getting his truck up to par. In order to help pay for his new toys, he took up a 2nd job in October and is working part-time at the 5/8 Bar & Grill in St.Paul as a cook. Working weekends helps keep him out of trouble and hopefully we’ll be out of debt by 2025. 

I also got a new position this year and am no longer on-call on weekends. It is a really great change and I feel lucky to be able to say that, the majority of days, I love my job! I get a somewhat flexible schedule and work with really great people. My spare time is spent doing anything crafty: scrapbooking as well as turning what Ryan calls “junk” into what I call “treasure”!

One thing we’re especially looking forward to in 2009 is a vacation to Riviera Maya! We’re flying down in May with our good friends Josh and Michelle (who will be newly-wed!) and Brad and Kirsten (who got married last July). I could not be more excited for the trip. We’ve all (minus Kirsten, our new addition) known each other for almost 20 years now, so sharing a honeymoon seemed like a natural thing to do.

I didn’t include him on the Christmas card this year, so I can’t bear to leave him out of our Christmas letter too: Tytan, our dog, continues to alternate between being the love of our life and making us go crazy. Ryan is lucky that he only showed me pictures of Bullador puppies before we bought Tytan; if he had shown me what a full-grown Bullador looked like, we might have ended up getting a Chihuahua instead. Thanks to Tytan we (or I) have had to replace numerous remotes and cell phones along with countless other things. He certainly likes his electronics. All in all though, he is a good dog and we can’t imagine our lives without his craziness.

Hopefully this letter finds you happy, healthy, and excited for what the new year will bring. { Lots of Love } Ryan & Sarah

3 weeks

Woops! Well, it has been pointed out to me that I haven't blogged in 3 weeks.

My computer and internet have been acting up a bit. NOT cool. I have found, however, that I am much more productive at night when I'm not on my computer the whole time. I have time to do other important read....and take baths! :)

OK- most exciting thing in my life right now is that good TV is returning. Woot-woot! The Bachelor AND tomorrow starts American Idol. God Bless America!

The other most exciting thing...going to Christy's this weekend. That is a DOUBLE WOOT-WOOT! CANNOT WAIT!

Other than that, this is the first week in 3 weeks that I've put in a full week of work. I'm ready for that! Phew!

Had a wedding this past Thursday in LaCrosse. Ryan's younger bro got married. FUN WEDDING! That didn't even mean the bride and groom, but the rest of us had an absolute blast. I HEART CHERRY BOMBS. :)

That's really truly it. I'll post my Xmas letter too, just for something else to post.

Sorry Christy. Hope that did the trick. :)

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