Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I'm not one to get super pumped about Christmas stuff. Don't like Christmas shopping, don't get too worked up about it, etc. I did, after deliberation, put up my Christmas tree today. Thing is, only one who is going to see it other than me is Ryan and he could really care less about it. I did the right thing and put it up anyway. I feel like Christmas is so close that it will only be up for a few weeks, but I ended up liking it. It does create a nice atmosphere to have the tree with the lights on and I can appreciate that at least. :)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

RF Reunion

It was a fun weekend! We went out to dinner with Nick, Kari and Ty on Friday night. It's been a while since the couples club has gotten together, so it was great to see them!

Saturday Ryan worked a long day at his new PT job, the 5-8 Club Bar and Grill. I joined Slink and Nicky C in RF while he was at work, joined up with Nels who was in town for the weekend and Ty soon after. We hung out and played cards at Nicks before heading downtown RF. Ryan was surprised to find me sitting in Nicky C's apt when he got off work. :) It was a super fun night. I felt like I was 18 years old at Club Kaos again. Those boys are just so fun!

Needless to say, it was a LATE, LATE night so I was thrilled not to have anything at all to do today. LOVE THAT!

So, I've been hanging out in my pjs all day re-watching chick flicks. Am I the only one who can watch movies regularly multiple times? I just can't go wrong with Sweet Home Alabama and the Notebook. Could watch em a million times.

Ryan is at work again until 10--I should point out that the 2nd job was HIS idea, not mine! That makes me feel a little bit less guilty for him working so much. I work hard during the week too, so having a free weekend is SO nice. Hopefully his 2nd job won't be too long term!

Anyway--hopefully I'll be refreshed and ready to go for another week ahead.

Monday, November 10, 2008


1. Chipotle for dinner (after no breakfast or lunch!!!)

2. A little scrapbook therapy tonight

3. Pictures to capture the best of times

Sunday, November 9, 2008


1. Being able to blow $100 at Archivers without my husband getting mad.

2. The cute pictures I got of Anna and Ryan

3. A W-A-L-K with the dog tonight. There was a nice chill and I had fun shuffling through the leaves. :)


1. A lunch date with the hubby

2. Time to scrapbook tonight!

3. I'm alive {phew. It's hard to think of 3 new things every, single day!}


1. I laugh a lot.

2. It's FRIDAY!

3. A relaxing weekend ahead

Holiday Extravaganza

I woke up this morning with the intention of going to Archivers because i heard it was a good sale weekend.


Little did I know that A) Archivers didn't open until 11 (I got there at 10:40) and B) that there would be a line of ladies waiting for the door to open.

Yes. I joined the masses, swallowed my pride, and stood in line too. Boy was it cold. Turns out the first 50 people got a coupon book {totally not worth waiting in the cold}.

Needless to say, I did the 2 free make and takes and did a lil' shopping. Somehow, the total came to $100, but I just don't know HOW that always happens.

I called Ryan sheepishly on my drive away with my confession {though really, a few things I bought were Christmas gifts! that doesn't hardly count}

Anyway- lots to work on now on the weekends. Pretty good day so far. I just had to get that off my chest so I don't need to be embarassed anymore...

My lil' Halloween pumpkins

Thursday, November 6, 2008


1. a super low-key day at "work"--we had our awards gala tonight, so we had a full day to prep for it. that meant that once our work was done, a whole group of us went to the mall! :)

2. a great GALA! Our house got recognized twice--an impact award and one of our staff here was chosen as the #1 staff out of about 700 in the company. SO PROUD!

3. the decision to not wear nylons tonight. ew! I put them on and then someone convinced me that if they aren't comfortable, then I shouldn't wear them. what a great concept! :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


1. A successful surgery!!!

2. That my little niece is okay--she got 5 shots yesterday at her check-up and passed out this morning. :(

3. a new business venture

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Woo-hoo! I'm now a consultant for Memory-Works! Wanna buy some great scrapbook stuff!? ;)


1. A healthy, virus-free computer!

2. One of my guys is having surgery tomorrow. I'm thankful that I was able to spend time with him today, he called by my name, and I told him I loved him. Now I just hold my breath...

3. A day with lots of laughing


1. Another beautiful day

2. A Monday feeling refreshed and excited to go back to work

3. An evening spent scrapbooking. Not having my computer for a night proved to be a much more productive use of my time!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


1. A beautiful day with a visit to the dog park with Tytan and Ryan

2. Sunday night! Best night of TV of the week!

3. An extra hour in the day


1. Getting to have dinner with the hubby

2. A whole room for scrapbooking

3. The possibility of a new business venture & a husband that humors me enough to let me! :)


1. Having the day off!

2. A beautiful drive to my sister's house

3. Getting to hang out with Anna and Ryan and to share trick-or-treating with them

Business Venture???

My sister-in-law owns a consignment/discount grocery store They are adding a 2nd location and at the new store she will be renting out "booths" for vendors to sell their stuff.

That got me thinking. I'd love to sell cards, baby books, brag books, etc. at her store. That got me thinking more. I'm not a fan of the Creative Keepsakes line, so I googled to see what else was available.

That's when I found out about MemoryWorks. Has anyone heard of this??? It sounds like a pretty good deal (all the awesome products that I already love). I'm really, really contemplating starting this. I think that it would be ok to sell stuff at her store then too. It wouldn't be a major money making venture or anything, but it's all stuff I buy from Archivers normally anyway.

HHmm...maybe I'll just pay the starter fee and see what it looks like???

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