Wednesday, April 30, 2008


These babies are getting some action these days! (Actually, these are Ryan's. We wear the same size, so today I stole them to wear while he was at work. He'll be REALLY pleased). Anyway, I'm getting some exercise! I WOG (walk some, jog some). I have the best exercise partner in the whole world...Tytan! I don't necessarily feel guilty when I don't work out, but I sure do feel bad if he doesn't get any exercise. So, my trick is to walk in the door and say "Tytan, go for a walk?" right away so that he whimpers and whines so much that I have no choice but to take him. That's fair enough, right? He never tells me no and never let's me change my mind. That makes a good pair for me.

And now, a pic of Tytan and Ryan. Really, Ryan slept on the floor in this spot on Sunday and Tytan sprawled out next to him. Again, what a pair.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Week 4

Down another 3.8 lbs.

-8.8 lbs total.

That's a 5lb bag of potatoes and a couple melons worth of weight apparently. ;)

A picture of me my senior year is hanging on my fridge for motivation.
<--this isn't it, but it would do. :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My terrible, horrible, no good, really bad day

Looks like a bad CARS movie, huh?
The day started off pretty good. Especially when you compare it to the middle of the day. It was sunny, I got compliments on my shirt, had a good meeting with some exciting projects, then planned on going to our "PD Fun Day" at the park for a little lunchtime break.


I was driving down Rice Street, listening to my beloved Juno soundtrack, eating some carrots, and NOT talking on my cell phone (that part was unusual). I went about 1 block and glanced at my directions to see if I should take 36 East or West. It was West. Next thing I know, my head is slammed against my steering wheel (ouch) and the front of my car is crushed. I look up and see that not only did I hit one car, but I then made THAT car hit a third car. What a nightmare. The first thing I worry about is that the people in the other car are all okay, which they are, thankfully. Next, I fear for my life since, well, let's face it, Rice Street is kind of shady and I was worried about WHOSE car I ran into. Again, I was fine. I get out to survey the damage and check on the other cars. First, I see my license plate lying next to my car door. That's nice. Next, I see green coolant pouring out of my car as well as a loud screeching. That's right, I should probably turn my car off. So, I do. I cry, of course, because I'm scared and super embarassed (especially that this happened ON Rice Street). Police came and we got everything figured out (once again, I was lucky because the police officer was really, really nice). When the police officer showed up, of course the girl whose car I hit decided that her neck hurt and she should probably be checked out. While we were sitting waiting for them to come, she said, "Well, you're probably going to get the worst of it. We were parked." Gee, thanks for that uplifting remark. Then, "my car is probably totaled since it's older and all" and I reply "Well, I guess it is your lucky day then". For the record, her car was so far from "totaled" that I can't even believe it. She had a small dent. ANYWAY, I then get a mandatory ticket for "inattentive driving". My car gets towed since I can't drive it.

OK, so I make it back to our office and am lucky enough to get a ride back to Woodbury right away.

I talk to insurance and call the transport and recovery place to find out about my car (note that they don't even tell you WHERE your car is being taken. They said it was on Concordia, so thank goodness for Google). This leads me to Twin Cities Transport and Recovery. Don't ever go here if you have a choice. I call and they let me know that in order for my car to be towed for repair, I need to drive to this place and pay the fine first. They don't say that I need my license, proof of ownsership, and proof of insurance OR that I needed to pay with cash only. Luckily I learned these little pearls of wisdom before I left. I'm sure MOST people these days carry that much cash around though, so that shouldn't have been a surprise or inconvenience...RIIIGHT. Once I got there (driving Ryan's big ole Chevy truck through St.Paul with my trusty Tytan by my side) and got that part figured out, I finally got to pay the $149.80 they charged me to pick up my car and hold on to it for a few hours. But wait, they then realize, after I signed the receipt, that they had forgotten to charge me a $25 fee for 24 hour storage. I think they're crazy, because my car was only there for 3 hours. It's not like I was a bad person who got their car towed in for some other reason, I had no choice to have my car sent there. So, despite my best efforts, my bill then jumps up to $174.80 with that nice little fee (not to mention that they also charge a $25 admin fee. Seriously?).

So, my car will hopefully be transported to Woodbury tonight and this day can't possibly get any worse.

So, for some comic relief, here's 1 more picture. Note the white spot on the windshield. That's the 100 calorie pack of ranch veggie dip I had on my seat for my carrots. That's right, it must have been thrown against the window and dripped down. That will be REALLY nice in a couple of days after sitting at the tow-yard and now the shop. Ugh.

In conclusion:

Citation for inattentive driving: $120

Tow to a worthless recovery company: $149.80

24 hour storage fee for 3 hours of "storage": $25.00

Deductible for insurance: $500

Spilled veggie dip: $1.00

$795.00, a headache and some aches and pains worth of a bad day and a few steps backwards in my attempts to get my camera. :(

Monday, April 21, 2008

I'm shrinking!

Well, I'm not getting any bigger.

I've restarted on my journey to lose weight. I started "unofficially" 2 weeks ago and had my 3rd weigh-in today for weight watchers. Week 1 I still ate coldstone and pizza and, guess what, didn't lose. I gained .8. Week 2, however, resulted in a 5.8lb weight loss. Yippee!!! So, here I am almost 6 lbs lighter than I was last week.

So, I'm writing it down and announcing my weightloss endeavor to the world through my blog (or, at the very least, to Christy).

Yesterday I mentioned losing weight to get my camera. The plan right now is that once I lose 20 lbs I will get the camera I want. Then, I keep working towards my ultimate goal (50-60 lbs). If I don't keep losing or if I put the weight back on, Ryan would sell my camera on ebay. That's tough love, huh?

So, wish me luck and lots of skinny vibes. I think I just might be able to do it this time. Stay tuned. :)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I think the camera could be mine...SOON!

I spent the weekend at my parents house. I had the whole house to myself for most of the weekend until they decided to come back early. Ah well. I took a few photos too. I'm REALLY getting into this photography thing...obviously. Ryan and I put up a weightloss wager today and it involves the camera. I'm crossing my fingers it will be mine soon! The baby boy is Rachel's little man--Preston. He looks so much like his dad it is ridiculous. Most of the time I can hardly tell, but he definately does. The tree...well. It's my parents'. :)

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Something is seriously wrong with me and Tytan's bedtime routine.
W R O N G!

Ryan only has to look at the dog and say kennel and Tytan trots right in, knowing that Ryan is serious business. For me, however, he senses that I might be even THINKING about a kennel and he keeps his distance. If I go near him, he lies down, knowing that I can't physically carry him across the room to his kennel. It must be ridiculous to see. No one else has witnessed this though, since Tytan is a good dog when Ryan is here at night.

So, I try to lure him over with treats to no avail.

I try the "kennel" and look and he looks at me like I'm crazy. I don't understand why lying on the floor next to my bed sounds like a better option to him than being safe and cozy in a nice kennel. Dogs these days.

My main goal is that I at least get him across the line of the couch because my odds of carrying him are better at that distance.

Tonight, like most nights, I had to resort to dragging my poor dog. I do it gently, of course, but it was a drag for approximately 5 feet. Drag and scoot, drag and scoot. I inch him ahead a few inches, then push his butt a few more. Drag and scoot, drag and scoot. I managed to get him directly outside the cage of his door and he STILL wouldn't go in. He just rolled over and looked at me.

This morning I let him outside and then wanted him back in his cage when I left for work so Ryan could sleep. I had to stoop even lower. I had to get a blanket and ROLL the dog into and then I became a human crane and had to hoyer him in the blanket to the kennel.

What a circus. I thought that getting KIDS to bed was supposed to be hard. HAH! Try moving a naughty 85-lb puppy.

OK, so THIS might look a little more comfy than the cage, but he RARELY stays in the bed anyways. ;)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Next time I have an extra $500 lying around, this will be my big purchase. Mostly due to other peoples' blogs, I am really, really set on buying a digital SLR camera. Kind of an expensive hobby, but what better hobby than taking pictures of people to keep forever? I LOVE looking at professional pictures and seeing all the awesome photos that pro photographers take. I want to do that!!! Ryan doesn't quite see why I would need this camera when I have a perfectly good digital camera now. It's not the same. This one is FANCY and I could do all kinds of cool things! My scrapbooks will be way better when I have a cool camera to do things with. Until then, I'll keep my eye on craigslist and ebay until the perfect (cheap) camera falls into my lap. Boring blog, I know, but it will be WAY BETTER when I have this cool camera and can take cool pictures. Just think!

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Once in a while it strikes me how carefree my life is. Basically, I can come and go as I want to, do as much as I would like, or as little as I want. Now that Ryan works crazy middle of the night hours, I have no reason to hurry home from work. I can start late if I want or I can stay late at night. Usually I don't need to set my alarm in the morning. On the weekend I can sit around watching movies on Lifetime all day long if I feel like it, or I can decide to go shopping, or take the dog for a walk. If I want to do something or go somewhere, I go. I really have no one to worry about but myself (Ryan's a big boy...he can pretty much take care of himself). As much as I enjoy being able to come and go and do as I please, I wouldn't mind a change. I think of Christy and Connor. Like the flip of a switch, her entire life now revolves around him and I can't help but wish that I had something like that. It makes me see that there is nothing as difficult or as rewarding as being a mom. I like the quote that "When a baby is born, so is a mother." I know that I'll experience that someday. For now, I will continue to live my life as carefree as I can. I know that someday I'll be a mom and will look back and WISH I could return to these days.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Baby Bode

I need something to do as I impatiently wait for Christy's blog to be refreshed. Is there a baby yet? I don't know! I'm not sure how I'll sleep tonight until the baby is born. So, I'm feeling a bit sentimental, so I'll blog.
Christy, you are AMAZING! I feel soooo lucky to have you as a friend for the past 8 years. We've been through a lot together and I can't WAIT for you to become a mama (it might just be happening as I speak...type).
You are the best and I am so, so happy for you and Bryan.
Love you and thinking of you every minute til that baby is in your arms!

Good luck Mama!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Freaking hilarious

Maybe you had to be there, but this was quite funny. It happened only about 5 minutes ago. I let Tytan out on his tie-out (30 feet) and for some reason, I actually sat and watched him, though I had the curtains closed and just peaked out so he wouldn't see. Well, two little boys from next door, about 5 and 6 maybe, were in the neighbor's yard playing with these plastic swords that make sounds when you swing them back and forth. Well, I guess invisible warriors were no longer enough for these two when they spotted by darling puppy (who, I'll be honest, looks like a terror who could eat both of them, honestly). I watched as they started animatedly swinging their swords at Tytan making their karate chopping sounds ("yah, hy-yah!"). All of this was from the safety of their yard, of course, far enough away that if Tytan had wanted to, he wouldn't have been able to get closer than a few feet of them. My dog, neighborhood terror, sat down, all dignified, and looked at them. One boy said "Don't you get to close to that dog!" and Tytan proceeded to lie down in the yard with his big puppy dog face.

It gets better. They run off to the other neighbor's yard and Tytan continues sniffing around in his territory, doing his thing. A stick magically appears in our yard, thrown around the corner of the house by one of the boys. Tytan eats it.

THEN, they start making the yellow lab kitty-corner from us bark, so that made Tytan bark. The kids were no longer in our yard. A few minutes later, one of the boys ran back towards our yard. Funny how confident he looked with his sword compared to usually being pretty afraid of Tytan. Tytan continued to bark, and I watched the boy. This cute little kid, again, about 5 years old, wearing his little gray and navy blue sweat suit, continued to taunt my dog. He bent over with his butt towards Tytan and started wiggling his little butt at him. Then, he started "spanking" himself in Tytan's direction. It doesn't stop there. He then puts his little hand over his little "you know" and starts dancing (like he's doing some weird kind of an end zone dance after a touchdown). Tytan just watches him. Doesn't move. I, however, was dying laughing from the safety of "behind the curtains".

Wow. Where do they learn this stuff?! Kids these days. I kinda wish he wouldn't have eaten would have been self-defense. Tytan, my little bullador, was being bullied. Punk kids. What a way to start the morning! :)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Me and Anna Banana

Here's me and Anna's photo shoot for the days we spent together.
What a couple of goofballs, huh?
We're pals. :)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The power of a flower

I'm really good about doing things nice for myself like buying myself flowers. I bought these flowers 2 weeks ago and for a meer $10 or so, they have given me almost 14 days of enjoyment. There is something about them that makes me so happy! They are so bright and cheery and even if the rest of my house is a disaster area, it makes me feel like a million bucks to see these flowers on my table. Who said money can't buy happiness? :)

See? Even my incredibly, horribly, naughty (especially lately!) dog takes time to stop and smell the roses...or....daisies. :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Moment of Truth

OK. It's horrible. Truly horrible. A guilty pleasure and even horrible to say it is a pleasure. I'm currently watching Moment of Truth on Fox. I had to fess up. It just so happens that it falls before American Idol. I compare it to watching a train wreck...if it is in front of you, you just have to watch it. It says "compelling and controversial"...what a horrible truth that is! I'm a good example.

Now that I've eased my conscience, I'll move on to some good, clean American Idol. Go Brooke, Jason, and David (COOK!). Woo-hoo!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A few great days

Anna and Ryan aren't my first neice or nephew. I became an aunt in the 7th grade and LOVED when Colton and Linse were born. Maybe it's because I'm older now and can appreciate it more, or maybe it is because I was there for Anna and Ryan's births (outside the door, of course!), or maybe because I'm so close to my sister, or because I'm the godparent for both of them, but these two definately have a special place in my heart.

I got so much love from them over the past two days. Especially my little Anna. I was a pretty common sight for her when she was in her first couple of years, so her and I have an extra special relationship. Ryan was a little tougher because he didn't see me as much as Anna did as a baby. Anna says the cutest things like "I wish you could stay here longer. You don't yell at me" and "Sarah, you're just like my mama is." My biggest fear, haha, so I asked her why, and she said, "cuz you're always nice to me and Ryan and you take care of us just like my momma does." Then, Brenda called me on the way home and shared Anna's latest tidbit..."I wish Sarah could have stayed with us longer cuz then I have somebody to play with". My little love! :)

Ryan, though a momma's boy, warmed up to me just fine when he realized I was the only option available. He is such an amazing little snuggler. He loves to be held and cuddled with. I got more hugs and kisses over the past few days than I've had in a long time. Ryan doesn't talk much at 2 years old, but he loves the movie CARS and 2 of his words are "ning keen" (in a very high pitched, excited voice) AKA "Lightning McQueen". If he doesn't have his three little CARS cars with him, then look out! He also says "monter" ("monster") because he has heard himself referred to as one so many times...a little monster. It's unbelivable to me how cute he is. I just look at him and don't know if it all physical, or the physical cuteness and the cuddly-needy cuteness that make me just melt (those eyes and big cheeks!!!).

It's cute that Anna and Ryan do get along pretty well for being a brother and sister. They look out for each other and Anna is the little mama. Of course they fight too, but you can easily see what a bond they have with one another.

Other than babysitting, watching Disney movies, playing outside, watching more Disney movies, and taking LOTS and LOTS of pictures, Brenda and I also did lots of crafting (which, of course, I took pictures of). The original thought was to sell them in our sister-in-law's store, but we're not sure. We might keep them. Might not. Here's a few.

Overall, a fabulous few days. I LOVE being an aunt. I'm glad to be home though, and when my sister asked me today (sarcastically) if I was looking forward to going back to work, I was able to say YES. I'm feeling pretty lucky all around, though I do miss my husband and wish he wasn't working nights. :( I think it's true that absence makes the heart grow fonder, because I sure do miss that boy!

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