Sunday, March 15, 2009


The list is restarting.


2. I feel utterly and blissfully content right now. SIGH.

3. I now see that Ryan starts house hunting during transitions in the seasons, hence the Spring. HENCE the drive to Amery yesterday to look at a house that had a big ole SOLD sign on it when we pulled up. Back to the drawing board. No hurry, just another case of spring fever.

4. I cannot wait to take more pictures!!! It is so much more fun now that the weather is warming up and it is light and bright outside.

5. Guess what? If one puts things away once one is done with them and does small amount of upkeep (small loads of laundry more often, putting dishes directly into the dishwasher, disinfecting counter tops,etc.) then one has more time her Sundays due to not having to do heavy duty cleaning. One LOVES That.

6. Watched the movie "Fireproof" last night. Way more religious than I had expected, and extremely corny. True to the core though. I really want to get the "Love Dare" book. Note that 80s Teenage Hearthrob Kirk Cameron is the leading male. :)

7. I have good friends. Good friends who make good lunch and dinner dates. Love those and love them.

8. I love my dark purple aluminum (?) water bottle. The trick for me to drink more water was to purchase this beautiful purple piece of work. Yummy water, pretty bottle. Yay.

9. With that, I bring my lunch and snacks to work in a cute little black and pink lunch bag....are we noticing a theme here? Well, I know what little mental tricks work for me. What can I say? :)

10. Babies and weddings! Lots of pregos and new babies around me. 2 of my bridesmaids are recently engaged too so some weddings are coming up in the next year. Christy, guess who!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

28. I have 2 bouquets of flowers in my house right now and not much could be better than that!

29. I am sooooooo so excited for Josh and Michelle's wedding. It seemed like a long ways off until all of a sudden it seems like it is right around the corner!

30. I ordered some new clothes off Eddie Bauer AND got a fresh haircut today. Now if only SPRING would come to stay!

31. I eat a Smart Ones dessert almost every night lately. I love the Key Lime Pie one...YUM!

32. I have washed all of our bedding the past 2 Sundays and that is a lovely feeling.

33. I just finished "World Without End" and it is bittersweet...phew. I've had to invest a lot of time into these books and now they're done, haha! Now we picked out our next book, but this book club is pretty intense...these past 2 books are 1000 pages and we read like 150 pages a week (and it is a big book too). The bar is set fluff! We're going to read "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle" next. Better meet our book club expectations!

34. I can't remember if Tytan and I have week 4 or 5 of dog class tomorrow. I hope it's 5!

35. I'm addicted to Diet Cherry Coke lately. Obsessed. Only one a day, but I HAVE TO HAVE ONE A DAY or I go crazy. :)

36. I wish dog class would teach me how to keep Tytan from sleeping in my bed. I feel so bad because we've always let him, but I want him OUT. Last week dog class told us all to bring in our dogs' beds...ha. Bet they didn't know he sleeps in a king-sized! I'm sure I'm not the only dog owner in class that night who was a bit sheepish. Damn dog.

37. I feel like I'm in high school again, but in all the very best ways. :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I love the fact that Anna uses "craft" as a verb. That's my girl! I went there yesterday and spent the night. When I called her to see what we would do if I came over, she said "We'll craft!". Love that. :)

I have pictures. Really, I do. Stuck in my camera.

The house has stayed pretty darned clean this week. Funny how that works. Makes my Sundays pretty enjoyable. Much easier.

I'm also trying to read "The Shack". It's supposed to be amazing according to reviews. I started it and then the dog ate the last few pages. Not cool. How am I supposed ot read the book knowing I can't know the ending? Mutt.

I can't believe it's already March. It's eery how fast time goes.

AND--Ryan's cousin, MY FRIEND Rachel, is engaged! YAY! Can't wait for some fun wedding projects!

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