Sunday, March 30, 2008

Goin' to the boonies

Ryan with his Easter Basket (CARS!)

Brenda and Anna with her new princess tiara
Today I'm heading off to Mondovi to my sister's house (well, her in-laws house) to do some crafting and babysit Anna & Ryan on Monday and Tuesday. I will have limited cell phone reception, no pager (phew), and no internet. I think I will be okay though.

We're doing some crafting today which should be fun. I haven't babysat Anna & Ryan since he was really, really little. He's kind of a mama's boy, so I might have quite an adventure. It should be a nice extended weekend.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Project day: Risky business

It's a beautiful day, it's just me and Tytan, so I woke up this morning and headed to Home Depot (and returned again later to buy more stuff). Ryan and I had started painting a couple of months ago (finally! after living here for 2 years my walls are no longer all white!). We hadn't finished though, so today I painted the last green wall. It might have been a good idea to just stop there. See, we had picked up this burnt orange/ red color at Home Depot when we had first started painting awhile back. We painted a small patch of wall in our kitchen and I freaked out. I decided NOT to paint anymore at that point. Since then, we've walked past this orange patch daily. Maybe it grew on me, I'm not sure, but I did break out that gallon of paint today and painted the rest of the wall. Yikes! The pictures LOOK red, but it's orange. I promise. The pics show the before and after, but the "after" is only the first coat. There must be at least 25 coats to go. THEN I need to decide if I'll keep going and do the rest of the kitchen. (If not, it will be a nightmare to cover up this bright orange paint with another color!!!).

Notice the bright orange paint also got on the lampshade (and my clothes, the floor, the dog, etc.). To be honest, the orange started out as a subconcious rebellion against my mom. She said not to do it, so I did what any good daughter would have done...I did it anyway.

AND...I didn't stop with the walls. I also started painting a dresser. I guess this is actually project WEEK because tomorrow I'm heading to my sisters to do some crafting with her (then babysit my lil niece and nephew on Monday and Tuesday). Time to get inspired! :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Love it!

Ooh! This is super exciting. I saw these today and they are like rub-ons for your wall and can be taken down. You can do way more than put them on your walls too. The picture gallery has awesome ideas...even great ideas if you didn't have these products. FUN!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My Baby

Doesn't this shirt look slimming?
Here's my baby Tytan, all 85 pounds of him.
So mopey, especially this week when his dad is adjusting to a new work schedule and isn't home at night.

He's stuck with me! My little snuggler (well...sometimes).

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I said I was obsessed.

I'm really not THAT bad, but we finally are able to get pics from the camera to my computer after the cord was awol for awhile. Found it! Now I have so much backtracking to do. Christy, this one's for you... here's my wall hanging that has yet to actually make it ON the wall, but at least it's done.

A good reason to blog

Sharing a picture as cute as this is reason enough for me to create my own blog. This is my niece Anna. On Sunday we hid Easter eggs outside for her, her brother, and my other niece and nephew. I was helping her tromp through the snow to spot this egg. Thank goodness I had my camera ready, because this shot didn't last long. I just LOVE the look on her determined to reach that egg. That totally fits her "I can do it myself" independent attitude. What a girl!


I still haven't figured this all out, but here's my attempt at blogging. This could be dangerous!

BUT, I am addicted to Blogs thanks to my good ole friend Christy. So now, I get to bore anyone who actually reads this, while entirely fascinating myself.


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