Monday, May 5, 2008

Its a G R E A T Day!

I think I said "I love my job!" a lot today.

I went to Cub and bought like 14 bouquets of assorted flowers and then spent about 2 hours seperating them all into little vases for our RNs and LPNs for RN appreciation month (some people do a week, we do a month). I think I will be a floral designer in my next life. :) I don't think it can get much better than playing with flowers and making people happy! PS--NOT my money. ;)

Then, I got to teach a class that I really have fun with. The class was about making work fun, investing in staff, and creating a good work environment. Check. We watch the FISH video, which, if you have never seen it, is really a good video for the workplace.

My work is so great because I really get to do the things that I really like to do on a daily basis. Sometimes I think that all people feel that way, then I realize THAT isn't true. I was talking to someone at work about it today, and she determined that within our company a lot of people get to do the things they really like and the things they're really good at. So...not a lot of grumpy people or complainers around here. Isn't that awesome?

Then, to end the day, I rode my bike to my weigh-in and lost another 2.4. That's 11.2 lbs total! (4 MEDIUM CANTELOUPES!!!)

It's a G R E A T Day!


christy bode said...

so, are you hiring? Not many people can say this Sarah, and that is SO amazing!!!

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