Sunday, May 18, 2008

On a brighter note...

...I took some pictures of the weekend and might as well do something somewhat productive other than complain about my crabbiness. It was actually a good weekend despite my inner turmoil. :)

Saturday-- Ryan and I went canoeing with our friends Trisha, Kari & Tyler. The forecast was for sunshine and clear skies. We got rained on. Not just once--on and off all day. Despite that, it was fun! We ate some bar food in New Richmond then went to Kari & Ty's for board games. Pretty sure that we're going to be champions at that game at the rate we play it when we're together.

THIS is the truck I have been driving for the past 3 weeks. AND YES. We actually drove the truck like this with more than 1/2 a canoe hanging out the end. Boys!

Me, Kari, and Trisha. We bought sunscreen, but really only needed our umbrellas. Sad!!! (This is right before we got in the canoes)

Sunday-- Slept in. Woke up crabby, but was able to be productive anyway. I went to Home Depot rihgt away for spray paint and flowers. I painted my rocking chair (hurray!!!) and planted all the flowers at the front of our house. Looks pretty good if you ask me. Then, I went on a 10-12 mile bike ride. Still crabby ;). I do love Sundays though and now my favorite way to end them is with Extreme Makeover Home Edition and Desperate Housewives. They're both season finales though, boo hoo.

My once blue but now "dark gray" rocking chair.


christy bode said...

so um yes. The canoe in the truck. You're lucky someone didn't call you in. Insane. And, why didn't you go kayaking? (sp) It was on your list!

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