Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Something is seriously wrong with me and Tytan's bedtime routine.
W R O N G!

Ryan only has to look at the dog and say kennel and Tytan trots right in, knowing that Ryan is serious business. For me, however, he senses that I might be even THINKING about a kennel and he keeps his distance. If I go near him, he lies down, knowing that I can't physically carry him across the room to his kennel. It must be ridiculous to see. No one else has witnessed this though, since Tytan is a good dog when Ryan is here at night.

So, I try to lure him over with treats to no avail.

I try the "kennel" and look and he looks at me like I'm crazy. I don't understand why lying on the floor next to my bed sounds like a better option to him than being safe and cozy in a nice kennel. Dogs these days.

My main goal is that I at least get him across the line of the couch because my odds of carrying him are better at that distance.

Tonight, like most nights, I had to resort to dragging my poor dog. I do it gently, of course, but it was a drag for approximately 5 feet. Drag and scoot, drag and scoot. I inch him ahead a few inches, then push his butt a few more. Drag and scoot, drag and scoot. I managed to get him directly outside the cage of his door and he STILL wouldn't go in. He just rolled over and looked at me.

This morning I let him outside and then wanted him back in his cage when I left for work so Ryan could sleep. I had to stoop even lower. I had to get a blanket and ROLL the dog into and then I became a human crane and had to hoyer him in the blanket to the kennel.

What a circus. I thought that getting KIDS to bed was supposed to be hard. HAH! Try moving a naughty 85-lb puppy.

OK, so THIS might look a little more comfy than the cage, but he RARELY stays in the bed anyways. ;)


christy bode said...

HILARIOUS!! I wish I could witness such an event...but...I can picture the entire situation in my head...gave me a good laugh this morning :)

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