Monday, April 21, 2008

I'm shrinking!

Well, I'm not getting any bigger.

I've restarted on my journey to lose weight. I started "unofficially" 2 weeks ago and had my 3rd weigh-in today for weight watchers. Week 1 I still ate coldstone and pizza and, guess what, didn't lose. I gained .8. Week 2, however, resulted in a 5.8lb weight loss. Yippee!!! So, here I am almost 6 lbs lighter than I was last week.

So, I'm writing it down and announcing my weightloss endeavor to the world through my blog (or, at the very least, to Christy).

Yesterday I mentioned losing weight to get my camera. The plan right now is that once I lose 20 lbs I will get the camera I want. Then, I keep working towards my ultimate goal (50-60 lbs). If I don't keep losing or if I put the weight back on, Ryan would sell my camera on ebay. That's tough love, huh?

So, wish me luck and lots of skinny vibes. I think I just might be able to do it this time. Stay tuned. :)


christy bode said...

okay, what is something spontaneously 'happens' during this goal to lose 50-60 lbs??? That shouldn't count against you and have your camera sold...

And, you should tell Ryan, you should buy the camera now so you can come down here and take good pictures of Connor and practice up, then you'll put it back in the box until your first goal.

But, anyways, kudos to you!! We could of course try this together again :) I need to go grocery shopping, all i have at home is bread and butter...I love toast. (and carbs)

Sending my skinny vibes to you (okay, I don't own any skinny vibes, but if I did, they're on their way to you!), well, sharing them with you. Okay. I'll shut up.

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