Monday, February 9, 2009


1. Tytan and I start doggy class level 2 tomorrow night at PetSmart. Time for me to become the master!

2. I came home really hungover yesterday. Tytan came home from doggy daycare hungover. We both headed for water then slept the rest of the day.

3. I've lost 15 pounds. I'm not freaking out about it this time and am just going with the flow. So far so good.

4. I got my haircut last week and it's shorter than usual. I hate how it never looks as cute as when the hairstylist does it. I guess that's why it is their job.

5. I slipped on water in my kitchen Friday night and ended up laid out on the kitchen floor. I had been carrying a spoon and a smart one dessert wrapper. Tytan came and licked my face. Then he stole my wrapper and ran away. I'm ok.

6. I dropped my car off to get fixed this morning. Never blogged about it, but I got in ANOTHER accident the weekend before Christmas. It wasn't my fault. The other guy's insurance is paying the whole thing and got me a rental car. I hate the rental car. Essentially it is a nice car. It is, however, a 2 door. I'm way too tall for a 2 door and I'm sure that I'll be crabby to and from work every day this week because of it.

7. I'm becoming predictable in my coffee choices. I've only been ordering skim sugar free vanilla lattes. Today I switched it up. SF caramel instead. I live on the edge.

8. I'm really upset at myself for not using my camera. Note the extreme lack of pictures lately. I picked up my camera tonight and panicked because it seemed broken (which I assumed was because I left it in my car overnight in the cold). It's not broken after all though. I still feel completely inadequate to use it and that is making me really annoyed.

9. I'm reading the book "World Without End". I never in a million years thought I would read such a book, but I like it. The first one is "Pillars of the Earth". I loved that too. I have a "book club" with a guy and girl from work. We read 150 pages a week. Yikes. It's about 1000 pages long. Longest books I've read since college.

10. For the past week I haven't been able to function without the radio. When I'm in the shower, when I'm getting ready, etc. Never done that before. I have a new soundtrack to my life apparently (that fits in well with the new soundtrack for my blog if you choose to listen to the new additions). Feel free to sing along with me.

11. Having a number 11 really freaks me out because I'm big on even numbers, but I'm trying to think outside the box. Ha. I just wanted to add how I love the 25 things posts people keep having on Facebook. I didn't like mine however and am thinking of redoing it. Other people have many more interesting things than mine and I'm contemplating a redo. I know that would be lame though. I'll just continue to post lists here on my blog. It's my blog afterall.



christy bode said...

1. nothing wrong with odd numbers.
2. i hate twitter, and I'm mad that you twitter. ha.
3. let's take camera classes together.
4. miss you.

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