Tuesday, October 21, 2008


We had a training at work today and the CEO's wife, co-owner of the company, gave us her annual talk on the importance of maintaining balance in our lives. She always starts with a written survey with questions like:

1. What did you eat yesterday? Did you have breakfast this morning? (I ate a piece of cake and a Smart One yesterday; No, no breakfast this morning)


2. How much water did you consume yesterday? Caffeine? (NO water; about 20 oz of caffeine)

{not good}

3. How much sleep did you get last night? Do you ever take naps during the day? (This is the one area I'm GOOD in. I was so exhausted last night that I had to bide my time until I could finally feel ok about going to bed at's embarassing, but boy do I love my sleep!)

{it mostly went downhill again after this point!}

The survey went on to talk about procrastination, exercise, dates with friends/spouses, etc. There were lots of guilty looks and hanging heads in that room--believe me. It's always a good reminder from her and it's nice to know that the leading lady in the company is ok with us getting a pedicure in the middle of the day or taking an extended weekend.

The other thing she talked about was having an attitude of gratitude or a critical spirit. She gave all of us journals to encourage us to keep a gratitude journal of 3 things we're grateful for that day.

Since one of my last posts was positively mopey, I thought that the gratitude idea sounded good (not to mention I was envisioning how i could turn that into a SCRAP-project!). Instead of a paper journal though, that would give me something worthwhile to blog about (at least something worthwhile to me!).

Here goes! I am grateful for...

1. Getting to work with people who make me laugh on a daily basis.
2. Being able to appreciate the little moments with a very special person in my life who is going downhill slowly but surely. His little whispers and bursts of laughter today absolutely made my day.
3. A job where I get to make a difference in the lives of the people I work with.

We'll see how long I can keep up with the idea of posting these daily!


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