Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bye Bye Birdy???

Here's one of those times where I really wish I wasn't such a softy and I could have just walked on by. I wonder what THAT is like.

Anyway, it's fine, but I went out to move the sprinkler around in the yard and when I walked by the deck (under it) I could hear a flapping sound. So, I simply glance in the direction of the flapping and see a little birdy frantically flapping its little wings...but wait. It was flap-flap-flappin' to no avail. It was stuck. I moved the sprinkler and didn't do anything more about it. I went in and sadly announced to one of the staff working that there was a bird stuck. I wouldn't have asked him to help me and I wouldn't necessarily have gone out there by myself to free the bird. Luckily, our company hires kind and empathetic people, so I didn't have to ask. He opened the patio door to investigate and I happily followed. So, turns out the lil' birdy was stuck in its own nest. When I saw it, it was dangling from it's nest flap-flap-flappin' away. Ryan, the staff working, grabbed a stick to try to free it, but it was really stuck. So, he had to grab a hoe and lower the entire nest to the ground (while I kneeled down on the deck and peeked through the cracks at the bird). This might be a good moment to mention that the sprinkler was still on and Ryan was getting thoroughly soaked by it, with no complaint. I then realized I could at least go shut the darn thing off. Anyway...there must have been wire or something like that intertwined in the nest, because it's poor little foot (claw?) was all tangled up. Ryan, with the expertise of a fine birdy surgeon, had me grab a scissor and he then proceeded to cut the birdy free--he never touched the bird, so hopefully it will be okay.

So, now the bird sits outside, slightly stunned, slightly frantic, with a slightly mangled wing, but it's a free bird. I can't bear the thought of going out to check on him and finding him D-E-A-D.

Wouldn't everyone have done the same? Phew. It's exhausting being such a bleeding heart. :)


ropellaj said...

Well, I certainly wouldn't have helped you. Unless by "help" you mean "run away screaming and have nightmares later".

But that's just me.

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