Monday, March 9, 2009

28. I have 2 bouquets of flowers in my house right now and not much could be better than that!

29. I am sooooooo so excited for Josh and Michelle's wedding. It seemed like a long ways off until all of a sudden it seems like it is right around the corner!

30. I ordered some new clothes off Eddie Bauer AND got a fresh haircut today. Now if only SPRING would come to stay!

31. I eat a Smart Ones dessert almost every night lately. I love the Key Lime Pie one...YUM!

32. I have washed all of our bedding the past 2 Sundays and that is a lovely feeling.

33. I just finished "World Without End" and it is bittersweet...phew. I've had to invest a lot of time into these books and now they're done, haha! Now we picked out our next book, but this book club is pretty intense...these past 2 books are 1000 pages and we read like 150 pages a week (and it is a big book too). The bar is set fluff! We're going to read "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle" next. Better meet our book club expectations!

34. I can't remember if Tytan and I have week 4 or 5 of dog class tomorrow. I hope it's 5!

35. I'm addicted to Diet Cherry Coke lately. Obsessed. Only one a day, but I HAVE TO HAVE ONE A DAY or I go crazy. :)

36. I wish dog class would teach me how to keep Tytan from sleeping in my bed. I feel so bad because we've always let him, but I want him OUT. Last week dog class told us all to bring in our dogs' beds...ha. Bet they didn't know he sleeps in a king-sized! I'm sure I'm not the only dog owner in class that night who was a bit sheepish. Damn dog.

37. I feel like I'm in high school again, but in all the very best ways. :)


christy bode said...

oh how we need to talk. And don't ever think I'd be mad at you!

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